Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pissed at the Post Office!

Ok so this technically doesn’t have anything to do with Photography, but then again it kind of does. So I get this package in the mail today. Stamped allover the envelope “DO NOT BEND” the jackasses at the US Postal service of course, bent it in half. Then they have huge hairy cojones to put a sticker on it Saying “Received in Damaged Condition” I say Bullshit to that. Today I get an e-mail from a guy who ordered some posters from me over 25 days ago. I sent his posters on the 16th of December and finally they arrived today on the 4th of Jan…..TWENTY DAYS LATER!!! I could have walked to Texas and hand delivered the posters to him in less that twenty days time.

Hang on the story gets better! Yesterday, I resent him another set of posters via Fed Ex 3-day select in a poster tube encased in a box for the sum of $22 dollars shipping. I told him to go ahead and keep both sets of posters; since it’s neither of our faults the US Postal system is broken. Oh…to keep this auto related, I included a shot of a ’49 Ford I am sending to a magazine for a feature and cover. Phew…now this blog is relevant again.


  1. i remember when we were in california and you were telling me about the lost package for this guy and i think i told you about a customer of mine in canada that i sent a pillow to on december 1st. she barely got it last week. so that took 6 weeks to go to british columbia. unbelievable.
